Too Old For This Pit
Too Old For This Pit
Episode 28 - Will Putney (Fit For An Autopsy, producer)
We had babies (well, our wives did) and we're back from our PITernity leave. And what a guest to come back with! Will Putney doesn't really need an introduction, but, just for our parents, he's a guitarist in New Jersey's premier deathcore band Fit For An Autopsy, and has also produced some of the best metal and hardcore records of the last 20 years - including releases from Knocked Loose, Body Count, Terror, Norma Jean, Gojira, Every Time I Die (RIP) and many, many more.
We only had 30 minutes with Will due to his ridiculously tight schedule and there was so much more we'd love to have discussed. Still, we managed to chat about Fit For An Autopsy's incredible new release Oh What The Future Holds, how Will approaches producing his own music versus others, his friendship with Ice T, and, for the first time in aaaages, the Shameless Sunday pick isn't country music!
Before Will jumps on the mic we discuss peanuts, babies, Avril Lavigne, the When We Were Young Festival and some fella in Kieran's town who's now internet famous.
Who runs the world? Girls.